Published 12 April 2024
Do steel pipes need to be GOST-R certified when exported to Russia?
Introduction to GOST-R Certificate of Conformity: “GOST” is the abbreviation of “State Standard” in Russian. Before February 15, 2013, whether products produced in Russia or products exported to Russia from other countries, according to legal regulations, they must pass GOST certification, which is national standard certification. After the promulgation of the Russian Federation Law “Products and Certification Services Law” in 1995, Russia began to implement compulsory product certification GOST-R. Russian GOST-R certification includes two major certification systems: compulsory certification and voluntary certification. The GOST-R certificate is issued by the Federal Service for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart or Gosstandart). Therefore, the GOST-R certificate of conformity is also commonly called the Russian Gosstandart certificate of conformity or the PCT certificate of conformity. Logo: PCT Russian Gost certification is quick to issue and the price is cheap. You only need to provide product information, and professional Russian-speaking engineers will provide you with a certification plan and quotation for free. If you are satisfied with the plan, you will sign a contract. If you are not satisfied, there will be no charge. Gosstandart defines a list of products that cannot be produced or sold in Russia without a mandatory PCT certificate of conformity...
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