Stainless steel rises and then falls

2023-04-23 15:50:48

Stainless steel continued to fall overnight, closing down 1.60 percent at 15,055 yuan/ton. Shanghai Nickel continued to fall during the day, closing down 2.23% at 183,790 yuan/ton. Today the price of stainless steel has been reduced.

Last week,Some steel mills recently entered the inquiry, market sentiment has warmed up. At present, the bargaining range of nickel iron has moved up, and the domestic factory price of high nickel iron  is temporarily stable to 1060-1070 yuan/nickel, but it is still far lower than the production cost of domestic iron plants.

The production cost of ferro chrome is at a relatively high level, which plays a certain supporting role in the price. Inner Mongolia high carbon ferro chrome natural block cash and tax ex-factory quotation of 8400-8600 yuan /50 base tons.

Raw material prices stabilize, the short-term downward trend has weakened, for the cost of stainless steel has a certain upward space, for steel mills, stainless steel prices down the space is not big, the confidence of the spot market, will also get a boost from the steel mill price, to continue to pay attention to the opening price of steel mills.

In a word,if you want to know more price of stainless steel , contact me freely! for that our factory are goods for stainless steel plates , stainless steel coils.No matter you need cold rolled steel or hot rolled steel, we all supply you.

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