How much chromium is stainless steel?

2024-07-20 11:24:33
Stainless steel Cr chromium content of at least 10.5%. The main alloying element in stainless steel is Cr chromium, and only when the Cr content reaches a certain value, the steel has corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel decreases with the increase of carbon content, therefore, the carbon content of most stainless steel is low, the maximum is not more than 1.2%, and some steel ωc, that is, the carbon content is even lower than 0.03%, such as 00Cr12. Stainless steel also contains Ni, Ti, Mn, N, Nb, Mo, Si, Cu and other elements. Stainless steel is most suitable for hospitals or other areas where sanitary conditions are critical, such as: food processing, catering, brewing and chemical industry, not only because it is easy to clean every day, sometimes using chemical cleaning agents, but also because it is not easy to breed bacteria. The test shows that the performance in this respect is the same as that of glass and ceramics. The main factors affecting stainless steel corrosion: 1, the content of alloying elements Generally speaking, the content of chromium in 10.5% steel is not easy to rust. The higher the content of chromium nickel, the better the corrosion resistance, such as 304 material nickel content in 8-10%, chromium content reached 18-20%, such stainless steel in general circumstances will not rust. 2, the smelting process of the production enterprise will also affect the corrosion resistance of stainless steel Large stainless steel plants with good smelting technology, advanced equipment and advanced technology can be guaranteed whether in the control of alloying elements, the removal of impurities, and the control of billet cooling temperature, so the product quality is stable and reliable, the internal quality is good, and it is not easy to rust. On the contrary, some small steel mills are backward in equipment and technology, and impurities cannot be removed in the smelting process, and the products produced will inevitably rust. 3, the external environment, the climate is dry and ventilated environment is not easy to rust The air humidity is large, continuous rainy weather, or environmental areas with high pH in the air are easy to rust. Such as 304 stainless steel, if the surrounding environment is too poor, it will rust. So that if you need the real manufacturer of stainless steel, talk with Zyta to get more different material grade of stainless steel.

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