Analysis of the reason why the surface of stainless steel pipe is easy to be corrugated

2022-06-24 16:37:10

Corrugations originally refer to water lines formed by slight fluctuation of water surface. They can also be used on other surfaces with similar shapes. Also known as “Bowen”. Water lines formed by subtle waves.

Stainless steel pipe manufacturer: but why is the surface processing of stainless steel pipe prone to ripple?

The above ripple is mainly caused by the vibration of the grinder steel pipe grinding wheel system, or the vibration of the grinding wheel relative to the workpiece. This vibration includes forced vibration and self-excited vibration. There are many specific reasons for vibration, among which the main ones are: the grinding wheel is unbalanced, and there is no serious balance test before installation. Therefore, forced vibration occurs in the grinding process, resulting in straight waveform ripple on the surface of stainless steel pipe. Because the frequency of forced vibration is equal to the frequency of exciting force or its multiple. Therefore, due to this reason, the ripple is deep and the wave distance is wide, and the frequency of the wave is related to the speed of the grinding wheel. During the processing of stainless steel pipe, the identification method can apply a thin layer of red oil on the surface of the workpiece, adjust the moving speed of the worktable, so that the moving distance of the worktable is slightly equal to 2 / 3 of the width of the grinding wheel when the workpiece rotates for one revolution, and then move the grinding wheel frame so that the grinding wheel just contacts the red oil (there can be no cutting in), and quickly withdraw the tool after walking the tool once. At this time, the trace of “polygon” can be observed on the surface of the workpiece, the wave distance (i.e. the edge width of the polygon) can be measured, and the wave frequency (wave frequency) can be calculated. The identification method of surface grinding is also similar.

When the grinding wheel drive motor is unbalanced, it will also produce forced vibration and cause straight waveform ripple (when grinding an outer circle) or transverse ripple (when grinding a plane), which is similar to the imbalance of the grinding wheel. For the same reason, the thickness and length of the grinding wheel drive belt are different, and the liquid pulsation in the oil pipeline caused by the operation of the oil pump in the hydraulic transmission mechanism of the grinder may also appear similar forced vibration. However, the vibration caused by this should be slightly slight. When machining the surface of stainless steel pipe, the elastic deformation of steel pipe and machine tool system in the grinding process will increase the intensity of self-excited vibration in the grinding process, resulting in straight waveform ripple on the machined surface of steel pipe. At this time, the ripple is shallow and dense, and the wave frequency is generally about 300 / s, which is inconsistent with the speed of the grinding wheel. The worse the rigidity of the steel pipe and machine tool system, the greater the friction between the grinding wheel and the workpiece, the greater the amplitude of self-excited vibration and the deeper the ripple.

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